Tuesday, December 7, 2010

changes in gender roles.

Long time ago, women had to stay home, take care of their children, cook, clean and do all the other house work. Meanwhile, men use to go outside and hunt for food to feed their family. However these gender roles are changing in some parts of the world. Now women are getting education and a job. Both the husband and the wife are earning money. Recent studies are showing that more women are graduating than men in the western society and this number is growing as we speak. Also the drop out rate of boys in high school is higher than girls. Women are getting employed for many jobs due to their education and their training. When the husband and the wife are both working and they have a child, these days the one that earns more income goes to work meanwhile the one with less income stays home and takes care of the child. In some situation, the husband has to stay home with the child meanwhile the wife goes to work. Long time ago women had no value but these days their are laws that protects them and gives them their rights. In some parts of the world, women couldn't even think about getting education but now they are starting to go to school and are getting jobs?

Recent studies are showing that woman are graduating more than men. Keep in mind that long time ago, men were the dominant ones and woman had no value. Do you think that in the future women will be the powerful ones due to their education and occupation? Do you think that they will control their husband?

For those individuals who don't want a nanny for their children and want to take care of their children by themselves, will you see more husbands staying home since they had less education? (In the future)

Most jobs that men have, do you think that they will be taken over by the women in the future for example: will you see a lot of female presidents in 50 years?


  1. I see what you mean, but I do not think women will "control" their husbands (the same goes to men controlling their wives). I also do not think that getting a university degree gives you any type of social advantage over others.

    I agree with the fact that more women are graduating than men. I remember watching a news report, which talked about Iran's university graduation statistics. More women graduated every year than men.

    I also do not think that women will dominate jobs that are currently male dominated. This is simply because the male dominance is a turn off for many. For example, many girls do not go into engineering of cardiac surgery because there is a lot of males and very little females. This does not mean that women are incapable of achieving these goals.
    The same applies to men wanting to go into paediatrics, gynecology and nursing. The female dominance is a turn off. I guess it is natural for humans to stick with their own sex?I don't know, ahaha.

    In conclusion, I agree and am happy with the fact that more women are graduating, but a university degree will make them any more socially different then they were before they got the degree. Same goes for men. As for careers, I think that male dominated fields will stay male dominated. The same applies to female dominated fields, although the number of women is slowly rising in male dominated fields. Who knows, maybe in 100 years we will reach a balance, but not anytime soon (in my opinion).

  2. but a university degree will NOT make them...***

  3. Did you hear about the university (or was it college?) in quebec that recently lost 14 female engineering students because a man came in and shot them due to his belief that better MALES (including himself) were more deserving of the position than the females.
    Yes, definitely, there is an increase in the amount of female graduates, and most certainly more working now, but there is still a "glass ceiling effect" that prevents many from achieving as much as men can in today's society.
    This might come out a little wrong, but I do have to mention mothers have a maternal instinct when in comes to taking care of children (I think partly because they were the ones who had to carry the child for 9 months, not the fathers), and so, although there will be more stay-at-home dads in the future, I find it very likely that females will still generally be the ones that are the ones to take care of the children.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I agree with the fact that more women have been graduating and getting a higher education than men in out era. It's still a little hard to imagine a wife controlling the husband in the future because as we know that the norm of our society expects the male to be the leader in the house.

    Talking about who should have the control, being controlled in a marriage should only be at a certain level to maintain the happiness, harmony and peace. If the wife or husband is overly controlled in a marriage, it will only cause a strain to the relationship.

    Just because women can go out and work now and be more independent than ever, doesn't mean that they have to rule over their husband and I don't see that happening in the future. It is a good thing that the women are not so dependent on men anymore to bring home the money, but are actually working themselves to earn a wage and run their home. For a marriage to run smoothly, the husband and wife should talk, negotiate how they want to live their lives and who should work, babysit etc.

    In my opinion, the best way to live a healthy and happy married life is by being egalitarian. And that's what I think will be the norm in the future. Egalitarian marriages last long, satisfies both partners and limits the quarrels between the marriage partners. Unfortunately, a very less percent of marriages now a days are egalitarian.

  6. Think about this what if the husband earns minimum wage and the wife earns way MORE than him since she went to university. Who do you think will feel like they have more power and control?

  7. the Univercity incident was in the 80's.

    but overall the discussion of whether women will take over men's roles is inevitable all because women are acheiving more than men now-a-days. Presidency will be the first to change as even now(hilary Clinton) a woman took vice-presidency in the white house; and even this was a big leap towards the activist women, even though there was not too much hype for it. Even as we look at conventional male jobs you are able to see the ocasional woman whether it is in the construction field, Electrician, Company CEO, or any other Male dominated job...

  8. Its an accomplishment to see so many succesful woman and to see my gender getting more and more educated. I would love to see when the majority of the goverment parties, presidents, chancellors and prime minister are woman.

    There is a lot of "hard" jobs that some may argue that are designed just for man. If as a woman you believe you have the strenght and ability to do it, then so be it. Construction, plumbing and electrician shouldn't just be left to man.

    An intersting point that i found was gender descrimination in big corperate jobs where a woman and a man will do the same job and the male will still get the better pay!! This is a descrimination that has to stop! We need equality!

  9. Men have always had their shoe outside of the family home here in society and as such society has learned to view it as quite natural. But now that more and more women are finally leaving their homes to seek out their own fortune or to discover life, society simply needs more time to adjust to this kind of change. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day and nor is the kind of change we all strive for.

  10. I don't know why everything has to turn into a competition. We are not men against women, or women against men, and no one is competing for some sort of dominance over the other. Yea,...women are graduating more than men and thats amazing considering they weren't allowed to go to school in the past but do you think they will get paid just as much as the other leading man? For ex. addressing the comment that Mohamed Siid and Halimo made during our round table discussion women with the same level of occupational status as a man still gets paid less. So with that said i still think theres a long way to go for women to "dominant" or "control" men and it depends on the medias take on this whether they will accept this change or not.

    Personally, I don't care about the richest, powerful, most educated...good for them, whether they're male or female. That's there business, and they should be credited for their hard work, not used as a trophy over the other gender.

  11. I completely disagree with the fact that women get payed less than men while having the same credentials. Where is the source of this information?
    Last comment. Goodbye gauche-grads. This was one of those assignment that was "fun" to do.

  12. to safar
    also, when making an argument, don't call what you're arguing a "fact", because that means its the truth.

  13. http://www.womensmedia.com/money/95-gender-wage-gap-are-you-paid-as-much-as-a-man-if-he-had-your-job.html
    more proof

  14. First off, I think that in the future, more women will be in positions of great power and leadership, but as safar said, simplying saying that it is because of the high percentage of women in post-secondary education, doesn't always immediately suggest that there will a high humber of women in those fields. Like the Supreme court judges in the U.S., theres like one or two women in 12 I believe. Maybe in the future, there might be three or four, only time will tell.

    Secondly, I don't think women will "control" their husbands, at least I hope not :(, but there might be a reversal on some gender stereotypes. As you said, men might be more prone to stay home and look after the kids and women might be more obligated to go and work, so in that case there might difficulties and strains in marriages on who controlls the money.

    As for your last question, the possibly of a female president or prime minister(in Canada), seem plausible. If you check the stastics, on average there is more women(U.S. stats) than men. One stastics says that if every women in the U.S. were to get married, there would still be 500, 000 women left over basically. So with this mind, the possibly of a female president or prime minister seems more like a reality than fanasty.

    Last post, this blog was awesome and time consuming and even though I shall never see thi digital pixelated image ever again, I shall on my honour hold thi memory in my CPU, Be all my messages saved and backed up. :)

  15. The aspect of women graduating from universities and working in high paid jobs is great. But do consider the this breakthrough is mostly happening in the west of side of the word. The are many countries in the east where woman are prohibited from school, and are treated poorly. These customs and traditions that limit woman in some countries,are making them seen less them men and more of a servant. About the topic, i do not think that a woman should control her husband or vise versa, but both should respect each other and have healthy relationship. finally if Pakistan could have a female Prime Minister, i don't see why not other countries can have female leaders.


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