Representation of homosexuals in the media is shown nowadays through T.V., public opinions, news, magazines etc. Growing up I have noticed that people have hypothesized that being gay is a crime. But now we tend to be more accepting towards the "gay" attitude.
My question is why? What has changed out minds?
Here's an example. We all know who Ellen DeGeneres is. Ellen is a comedian who runs her own talk show. If you dont already know, Ellen is Gay. In 1997 Ellen was brought on Opera to talk about her sexuality. At the moment people were a little shocked to know, but over time we as the people learned to accept her and her sexuality.
Another example is Jessica Capshaw who plays Arizona Robbins on the hit show Grey's Anatomy. Dr. Arizona Robbins is a lesbian on the show, but she's shown as a very successful attending doctor, not some who everyone hates, or someone who is hated because her sexuality is different.
Another example I would like to direct attention to is the fashion industry. Fashion industries have gay men in them, yet we still are attracted to their fashions, why? Because it looks good. At that point we tend to put aside our thoughts of gay people and openly accept them and their style.
In my opinion I think people over react towards gay and lesbian people. I really don't think these people are any different then us. Do you guys think its right to degrade gay people?
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ReplyDeleteI made some grammer mistake before my bad
ReplyDeleteI think society has been more accepting towards homosexuals because they are being more exposed in the media. Also they are being taught and debated about in schools. No matter how much people talk about homosexuals I still dislike what they are doing and that's just how I feel. I don't dislike them I just dislike what they’re doing. There still human and they have feelings and there should be no reason to degrade a homosexual or anyone for any reason because you should treat people they way you want to be treated. So if you’re homophobic just keep quiet and do you. Everyone has a right to think what they want about homosexuals but to degrade them is wrong. Also I think people over react towards people who disagree with homosexuality. People tend to forget that you are entitled to your own opinion and you don’t have to agree with them or support them. There has been so much emphasis on the emotions of homosexuals that it is as if no matter what your beliefs are everyone must be accepting of them to make them feel better. Therefore, I think that people need to start being more accepting of individuals who do not accept this act and not look down upon them just because they are sticking to their beliefs and opinions.
ReplyDeleteYes, it is definitely true that we as a society have become a little more comfortable with gay and lesbians in the media but what about in real life? You will still see a gay man being discrimated because of his gender choice.
ReplyDeleteIt is also a fact that we don't get to choose who we are going to be born as, therefore people don't have the right to discriminate based on gender or anything at all.
Some of the gay people don't like being the way they are and would do anything to change themselves, while some just learn to face the reality and accept who they are.
Gay and lesbians are of course not any different from us human beings. They live, eat, breath and do normal stuff that human beings would do.
But the way one is socialized as a person and grows up with different views from others is the cause why the ideas and beliefs about homosexual people vary from person to person. Some people are still not accpeting of others that choose to live their life a little differently. We have not yet reached the point where there will be an equilibrium in the society with no prejudice.
As long as stereotypes and hatred towards certain types of people exists in the world, people will never be able to accept everyone equally in order to maintain stability.
In my personal experience, I have known friends that are gay, and i have never seen myself or majority of the people discriminating them. Also I have made friends with them despite the fact that their sexual orientation was different.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion I think that if you discriminate anyone then you honestly have no self respect. In Canada I am pretty sure that there's a law towards discriminating people.
But to finish my point off i would like to say is that, if there was no stereotyping or discriminating then we'd be living in a perfect world....which is, in a sense "imperfect"....but if we started accepting them, then that would be the first step to letting discrimination go.
i think what changed your minds are now a lot of gay people are comming out and the media talks about them. They now have their own shows which people watch and enjoy. But there are still other people who dislike gay people and they do not a prove their actions.
ReplyDeleteI believe that gay people can be free simply because they are humans like us. However this could be easier said then done. For example, we all know about the boy who toke his own live simply he was found out that he is gay.
ReplyDeleteDuring class, and in the blog, we were thinking about freedom, and solutions and ete. However, it's hard for most gay people to reveal themselves, and it all depends on the person. Because if you imagine yourselve being gay or lesbian, would you have the courage to tell teh world?
As faiza said they are not diffrent from us, and we should treat them as human beings whatever they are.
Lastly, it's going to be difficult for gays & lesbians to find freedom simply because of gender stereotypes that exist, and it's up to the society to change and realize that they are humans like us.
You should not hate other just because of who they are. If you are born in a certain way then you can't change that because that is how your brain and genes behave. Society sometimes forgets that those they are making fun of are living organisms and have feeling. In the movie "The Island" rich people paid a company to make clone of them. So if they get a disease and need a body part so then they will kill these clones and get their body part. When the clones found out they were used as toys, they started to take action and speak up for themselves because they had feeling since they were human beings too. At the end the clones were free.
ReplyDeleteIn our bio class, we had a debate about human cloning in the future. Most students said that if a cloned child goes to school their is a good chance that people will treat him bad since he will be different than the other students. The reason why many students in my bio class said that is because they know how people with different race and gender are treated so the clones will be treated bad too.
We have no right to make fun of those with different sexuality, gender and race. An individual doesn't choose their skin colour and their sexuality because it is predetermined. It is in your genes. Sometime when you go and apply for jobs, they look at your race and most of the time they don't hire those with specific race or gender.
If someone is a gay or lesbian, we should leave them alone and try of best to treat them just like you treat your friends.
I don't think anyone has the right to degrade anyone. I do agree with you Saad, people most certainly do over-react to homosexuals. They are no less than anyone else.
ReplyDeleteBut I think they're being accepted more and more, I mean they're on TV, they can become musicians etc.