I seen this on facebook a while back. I was surprised because I heard on the News that the United States had the Don’t Ask Don’t tell policy in the army. The policy prohibits people who "demonstrate a propensity or intent to engage in homosexual acts" from serving in the armed forces of the United States, because their presence "would create an unacceptable risk to the high standards of morale, good order and discipline, and unit cohesion that are the essence of military capability." First of all how did this officer on the left know that is soldier was gay? Secondly how has the media contributed to people thinking that if a homosexual joins the army and tell people he is gay it would as they say it “would create an unacceptable risk”? Thirdly what would u do if you where the officer? I personally don't think it is anyones business if someone is gay, and would have no problems at all serving with someone who was gay, so can someone please explain what the whole issue is to me?What exactly is all the fuss about repealing "don't ask, don't tell"?
i saw this on the news before where the army doesn't allow homosexual people to come out because it would make the Us army look bad by having lots of homosexual people to protect people.
ReplyDeletei aggre with u ayuub. The real question is what does "would create an unacceptable risk to the high standards of morale" mean!? how would homosexuals coming out create an unacceptable risk?!!!!!!can somone answer that for me!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMorale- The state of the spirits of a person or group as exhibited by confidence, cheerfulness, discipline, and willingness to perform assigned tasks.
ReplyDeleteApparently, the US government thinks that being gay has an effect on the quality of a soldier's performance. That's ridiculous.
Source of the definition : www.answers.com/topic/morale
ReplyDeletesafar thank u for the definition. i think the more the midea talks about homosexuals in the army they more people will try to bring them down and Discriminate them!
ReplyDeleteIn a modern day like this seeing homosexuals serve in the army should no be such a big surprise. Besides, anyone who wishes to serve his/her country should have the opportunity to do that.
ReplyDeleteYes but why is the midea making such a big deal out of this in the first place???
ReplyDeleteThe issue of the Don't ask don't tell policy is so that the influence of homosexuality is not pushed onto the soldiers. the Us government has done a test comparing the homosexual with the straight man... I don't know whether this test is really reliable but it demonstrated that in a direct conflict the 'gay' soldier tend to be conservativer and defencive in the heat of combat but the 'regular' was seen to be more aggressive and attacking during the same senerio; I think its because of the mentality of "Annihilating the Enemy" that inflences the military to have non-homosexual soldiers.
ReplyDeletewe have to understand that homosexuality have been legalized in many western countries. It gives them the legal status in the country and makes them have all the rights which a normal citizen have. Soooo.. they shouldn't be any surprise if they are in the army :).
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletecan anyone think that any groups particularly targeted under the policy?
ReplyDeletei think males being gay are targeted in the policy more then females because if you have a gay man and a regular man in the army, people would assume that the gay man would be sensitive when they fight and that the regular man would be tougher,stronger and more violent then the gay man.
ReplyDeletei got a survey for everyone!!!!!!!!!!
and explain your answer
ReplyDeleteOther- Are you trying to say that there would be some type of sexual attraction between the two soldiers? That's offensive to gays, never mind illegal. By saying so, you are assuming that gay people are not able to control themselves. If you were in the same tent with a girl ( assuming you were both heterosexuals) would you guys end up having sex? NO!!
ReplyDeleteA soldier is there to do his/her job. They are well trained and it would scar their reputation, never mind get them kicked out of the military.
i did not say that that there would be any sexual attraction between any of them. you should not twist my word like that safar.! also safar i was asking u a survay that i found online like this one "If don't ask, don't tell is repealed and you had on-base housing and a gay or lesbian service member was living with a same-sex partner on-based, what would you most likely do?"
ReplyDelete-- I would get to know them like any other neighbors.
-- I would make a special effort to get to know them.
-- I would be uncomfortable, but access to the exchange, commissary, and MWR facilities is more important to me than who my neighbors are when deciding where to live.
-- I would be uncomfortable, but the quality of on-base housing is more important to me than who my neighbors are when deciding where to live.
-- I would be uncomfortable, but the cost of moving makes it unlikely I would leave on-base housing.
-- I would probably move off-base.
-- Something else.
-- Don't know.
these survays are impliying that a homosexual/lesbain person are alwasy attracted to heterosexuals and trying sleep with everyone that is their sex. safar what is your thoughts on this issue.i just want to show u how much discharges have been made in the past years
1994 0 36 258 136 187 617
1995 15 69 269 184 235 772
1996 12 60 315 199 284 870
1997 10 78 413 197 309 1,007
1998 14 77 345 312 415 1,163
1999 12 97 314 271 352 1,046
2000 19 114 358 573 177 1,241
2001 14 115 314 638 217 1,273
2002 29 109 218 429 121 906
2003* — — — — — 787
2004 15 59 177 325 92 668
2005 16 75 177 386 88 742
2006* — — — — — 623
2007* — — — — — 627
2008* — — — — — 619
2009* — — — — — 428
Total ≥156 ≥889 ≥3,158 ≥3,650 ≥2,477 13,389
i have served with gay and bisexual Soldiers (men and women). What they did on their own time was not my concern. All I cared about is that they knew their jobs. I would rather have a homosexual Soldier that can accurately engage targets at 300 meters, then a straight Soldier that can’t hit the side of a barn. I cared less about Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell… I cared about “Can Soldier, Can’t Soldier”.do you guys agree with me on this? i found this online it was from an army officer that did not agree with the Dont ask Dont tell. dont you agree with his statement?
ReplyDeletei don't agree with this soilders experiences with gays and bisexual people in the army. It would be uncomfrontable having a gay person with me in the army if I was a soilder because on how the media has protraded them to be and act towards other people. Now when you watch tv or any other form of media you see military commercails with soilders with guns and look serious and want people to be recruited in their army.
ReplyDeleteatuub can u plz stay on topic. what u said might offand a gay person! was it the media that mad u think that it would be uncomfrontable to be in the sam room as a gay person?!!!!
ReplyDeleteIn the end of the day to me it does not matter to me if a person is gay or lesbian and they should have freedom since their human like everyone else should and people shouldn't hated them for choosing what they want. they should have the right to surv and be gay.!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWho cares if our Armed Forces are gay?
ReplyDeleteThat is nobody's business but theirs.
i found a quote on the web by a soldier named herry" I don't care if the whole damn force is gay if they can shoot like that!"
how does a gay person shot? the media must have implyed that heterosexuals and homosexuals shot a gun differently! do u have the same opinion?
We come and live in a Society where we as humans haven't learned to accept homosexuality. Its not that i agree or disagree with the picture or the statement. I just believe that what your sexual nature or your preference isn't something you need to be exposing to the world. I believe in a fine different beween work and leisure time. In the army its not the time nor place to make such confessions specialy when its a subject with so much diversity and contradictions. But my opnion doesnt only apply for the army but for any job. Keep your personal life seperate from your work life. I refuse to date a person I go to school or work with. Its just my personal preference and i think it should be like that in the real world.
ReplyDeleteThe don't ask don;t tell policy is an homophobic law, that is written by the U.S. government, who are mostly religious men and woman. Who see that homosexuality is a mental illness and want to cure it by making such laws like the one used in the military