I’ve noticed nowadays that almost every cartoon or kids show has some sort of innapropriate matter in it. Whether it be kissing, or having relationships at a very young age. This influences kids, and pressures them to also do the same. My little sister was having a conversation one time, with my other sister, talking about boys, and who likes who in school, blah blah blah.
This got me wondering that the media is putting things into vulnerable little childrens’ minds. Kind of saying that kids kissing and having a gf/bf is the norm, when it clearly isn’t. If I can recall, back in the days girls thought boys had cooties and to boys girls had cooties. Being a kid is all about innocence and playing almost 24/7, not worrying about being in a relationship at age 5. Theres a saying that childhood is a journey, not a race, so why is the media influencing kids to do things that they’re not even old enought to understand? What do you think is the reason for this?
Its not necessarily the media that is influencing kids to do things they are too young to even understand. Little kids look up to their elders. They pick up things very easily. Kids will see something that amuses them, or something that is different, and will imitate it.
ReplyDeleteMany kids start swearing at a young age without even knowing what the words actually mean. They hear the words off of streets, or more personally, sometimes at home.
I agree with you when you say kids kissing and having a gf/bf is not the norm because it isn’t. I think that the media is influencing kids to do things that they’re not even old enough to do because they want kids to grow up faster. They influence these kids because they know that kids are curious and their brains are like sponges so they’ll try almost anything they see on TV.
ReplyDeleteI agree with what Aksemah said. Media shouldn't be blamed for everything as i belive that's an excuse to runaway from our own faults and mistakes. Childrens do look up to their elders and when the elders don't give children what they need they look up to media. If parents are responsible enough for what their children do then what's the point of being a parent.
ReplyDeleteoh well c'mon now, they're just kids being kids..
ReplyDeleteOn a more serious note, I think it's not so much that the kids are being portrayed in a much more inappropriate manner but rather that we might just be taking too much offence by it.
I present you with a scenario that I remember reading about not too long ago.
A child and his parents are at a beach. The child is about 4 years of age, and is not wearing any clothes.
As the child is walking with his parents, a person screams out " put some clothes on that kid!"
Now, you have to wonder, what's wrong with a 4 year old child naked? It seems too much of today's society is too caught up in the sex and terror of the world.
Does the person screaming at the parents think that someone is going to take photos of the child? Kidnap him for his own sick sexual desire? I don't really think so, but it seems that we as people have become very sensitive to these matters.
A while ago, heck even in my childhood, there wasn't really anything wrong with naked children, but nowadays it seems everyone's uptight and disgusted by it.
Sure the television is some behaviour that we may not see so much in children, but I don't quite see the problem with it.
For example, looking at the picture posted for the blog shows an innocent picture of 2 children kissing.
This is a very innocent picture, if not the very definition of what I go by as "innocent".
Is this inappropriate behaviour or are we just too sensitive to these things?
I also know when I was about 8 years old, being teased for saying I like a girl in my grade (stereotypically of course, she was asian). Certainly, we haven't changed so much since those days.
Just my $0.02 on it :)
television SHOWS some behaviour, 11 lines from the bottom :) this site doesn't let people edit their posts so...
ReplyDeletei think the media influences young child because they do what they see and their minds get influenced easily thinking its normal for people to do what they see on tv.
ReplyDeleteparents can't always control what they're kids are watching, so is it fair to blame them if their kids imitate something they viewed? why or why not?
ReplyDeleteI always remembered in middleschool constantly being asked "Who do you like?" And several assumptions being made. In fact, similarly to Samuel, someone made a rumor that I liked someone, and it stayed with me even into highschool (stereotypically, she was brown). In gr.5 I remember students setting up a spin the bottle game at lunch. Kids just wanna feel older, and I think parents should be responsible for telling them the difference between right and wrong. Adults want to enjoy their adult media, Its made for them, so if a child sees it, is it the medias fault? To Fowzia's point about parents. Its true parents can't always control it, but I grew up just fine didn't I? Several other people my age managed didn't they? It seems, despite all this modern technology, parents are always "Too busy". The other day I saw a mom yell at her son at Walmart telling him to "Get the F*** over here". And I've seen parenting get worse as time goes by.
ReplyDeleteThis comment is by Halimo Ghelle
ReplyDeleteIt isn’t fair to blame parents not only for the fact that they can’t control every single thing their children watch but also because the media is taking shows generally meant for older audiences and are making it very accessible to younger audiences. Can anyone tell me the age range for shows like Hannah Montanna and Wizards of Waverly place? Not for five year olds that’s for sure. But then how come companies are manufacturing toys for such shows for kids starting from age five? You’ve probably seen a herd of kindergartens dressed in Hannah Montana brand clothing so the assumption here is that these children are watching the show. Though the show might not directly indicate that the show is not for younger audiences, by manufacturing toys and clothing meant for these age groups, its shows that their included. My guess is that the majority of Hannah Montana fans are probably less than half Hannah Montanas age. The money lies with younger fans that are naive enough to buy the shows brand products in bulk.
I think that children are being children, they see grown ups doing stuff and try and imitate it. This is part of life for little kids to to try and act old is fun and maybe a game.As for the media, it just wants kids to buy stuff. Also every show or cartoon aimed at little kids a some innuendos,and that is for parents and adults to a laugh at, and I think the its meant for little kids to not understand the hidden jokes.
ReplyDeleteI think your display picture had so much innocence to it. I had a big portrait in my old room of a picture similiar to that. I didn't see it as the media corrupting our young generation with a kiss* As long as there not learning from a too young of a age about sex and condoms, position and etc., its all good! A kiss is a part of growing up that you see your parents, couples and in olden movies.