See the two pictures I have up. See anything? Maybe you should look closer (but not too close). Yes, I think the point is clear as to what I am trying to say. The first image is of the well renowned actress Jessica Alba, and the second picture is of Robert Downey Jr. another famous actor. Comparing the two pictures; It's weird to see how Jessica Alba is posing in her very slim tang-top and her super small shorts, but Robert Downey Jr. is wearing a shirt, and is fully covered.
My point ladies and gentlemen, that I'm trying to make is why are women more revealing as oppose to men? Several arguments could arise. People could say "Oh, the women has a sexy body so she deserves to be shown", (which by the way I find is a little perverted) but someone could also argue that "A man has an equally sexy body, therefore his muscular body should be shown too". An example of what I'm talking about is, I was reading a magazine in a store and I came across two different watch advertisements. One showed a man who was in a fancy suit advertising the watch. The other had a lady who's dress was flying everywhere, revealing her legs and body. and the watch wasn't advertised anywhere, except the bottom right corner of the page. I honestly thought it was the dress being advertised.
In my blog it seems as if I want to say that men should be more revealing as well, but that's not my idea at all, because at times men are also shown without their shirts.
My final question is, has mankind become so primitive that they have to show semi-nude images of females and/or males to sell something?
I like the way you compared the two magazines with the two different genders. I always wondered why the women in magazines and others ads were so overly exposed all while the men were covered up. But we also have to consider that nowadays in order for an advertisment to sell, they display sexual images to sell their products. An ex. would be the Tag bodyspray commercials on t.v. The man sprays some on and then a whole bunch of ladys coming jumping on him in a sexual manner. The reason why sex appeal is used in ads is because the public has become so prone to the repeated exposure that they no longer are startled and suprised by it. And we all know how this is degrading to women, so why don't they protest and speak up for themselves? The answer is simple, if they do speak up the person will find another worthy and more willing person who is up for the job to advertise for their company.
ReplyDeleteI agree that magazines containing women are more nude. I think this is because if a company wants to sell big, their ads must have a barely dressed woman on it because, like Yasmin said, the sad reality is that a woman's sex appeal is what sells these days. This kind of exposure of both men and women is what makes the companies money as it attracts buyers of all ages.
ReplyDeleteWe have to remnber that some of these magazines have a targeted audience. For instance a magazine where a woman is portrayed semi naked and revealing attracts manwho find her attractive and want to get a girl like that, or woman who wish they look like that. The indusry knows humans weakness and its why they choose the pictures that will produce more revenue in the end.
ReplyDeleteA man with no shirt will mainly target the female audience who wish to fantazize about a guy just like him, but a man that consider themselves manly won't be caught dead making such a purchase.
Men who are shown more revealing depending on the type of magazine. such as most fitness magazines will have half naked guys posing, while most fashion magazines will focus on the males face. As for your last question people have not become primitive to buy semi nude pictures, but in reality sex sells and will always sell. Due too many people enjoy admiring human beauty,and there are always an exited teenagers wanting to study the human anatomy.