Celebrities portray themselves, or are portrayed in a way that keeps their fan base strong, and keeps the fans demanding more. Overtime, the expectations of music fans has become very high for what they receive in the media as entertainment. Exposing sexuality has become an easy way for celebrities to make money. It was not long before Miley Cyrus, who was an "adorable" role model for every 10 year old girl, turned into a "hot" and downright sexy money making machine. On the contrary, singers like Hilary Duff faded into the background because they did not deliver the fan's expectations.
Lady GaGa, Beyonce, Nicki Minaj, and Nicole Scherzinger are all examples of "successful" music artists, who, although very talented, have used their sexuality in one way or another to become popular among the masses. An exception is Taylor Swift; she is a 'clean' yet successful singer because she is able to differentiate her music from her competitors. She has a new feel to her music - mixing Country/Pop together which brings a new sound into the entertainment business and keeps her in the game.
So here is my question to you: Do you think that the media is only trying to live up to the public expectations? Or do the music artists show us what they want on the media, and in-turn influence us to believe that revealing sexuality is a norm in society?
Controversy creates attention. Attention attracts consumers. More consumers = more money. By creating a controversial image of themselves, female artists can basically cash in, because the consumers are so susceptible to being attracted by the controversy. Controversy is not necessarily what the public wants, but it’s what the public feeds off of.
ReplyDeleteThe public wants to view controversial things, because people want to discern the good from the bad. The public wants to basically judge the controversial media text, and determine if it’s right or wrong. It’s a great way for people to alleviate the fatigue of the daily grind. An escape from reality one might say.
Change! that is what makes consumers attracted to celebrities in the media. You'll notice that most artist change up their hair,style, and attitudes to not look dull or the same overtime, because it might make the people get bored of them. By changing from being this cute little girl, to some sexy woman is what makes consumers more captivated to the individual, and start asking questions like " what happened to her?". I think that, artists believe, that in order for them to be on top, they have to change their everything, so that fans don't lose interest in them.
ReplyDeleteFor your question, I don't think the media is trying to live up to the publics expectations, I think its trying to live up to its own expectations by making us, the public, assume everything they project as being right or wrong is the norm. I don't necessary think music artists like Lady GaGa and Beyonce really want to reveal more about their bodies and flaunt their sexuality more than they have too(maybe not Lady GaGa).
ReplyDeleteAs Hassan said, "The public wants to view controversial things", the media knows this and therefore conditions and prepares celebrities or music artists to fit that critiria, which we, the public, than view as being acceptable. This also leads to many stereotypes about man and woman: how they should dress, how they should look and project themselves in society and also the behaviour that they should maintain(ex. a man should always be the one to ask a woman out on a date).
I agree that some female music artists use their sexuality to become famous. But there are some other ones who have just used their music to reach their fans and their message. Tylor Swift is a good example because she does not do anything inappropraiate, yet she is still famous.
ReplyDeleteIt's not us who media specific things from media but it's media who have created expectations for us. They think that what they are trying to show us in the media is what the norm is in the society. Either they think like that or they don't but they have given us not what we want but really what they want. It's a money making machine and Every celebrity is involved in it in one way or another.
ReplyDeleteI strongly agree to this post, the media is actually behind it all, infiltrating their viewer's minds to make them money. Celebrities and song artists are used for their bodies and physical appearance, clean and true talent is not enough for the media, as long as there's a bit of auto-tune and photo-shop, its all okay.
ReplyDeleteHowever I do not think that it's living up to the public's expectations,it's the media's expectations. Media controls everything, including what we see and hear. Obviously their attempting to send a message out to their viewers.
I have to agree with everyones input on this topic. Change is what makes consumers attracted and more intrigued to celebrities. But does "change" only apply to female celebrities more so than male celebrities? I think it does. If we look at male rappers, actors or singers they don't have to change their physical appearance or image. For ex. lil wayne who is a successful artist doesn't need to dress a certain way or dye his hair a certain colour to spark controversy and gain attention. From the start of his career his image now and then hasn't changed much.
ReplyDeleteBut if we look at female singers such as Rihanna, Beyonce, and Lady GaGa their constantly changing their fashion style (even if its wearing ridiculous leotards) and hair styles/colour in order to be on top and thus interest more fans and gain more publicity. So to conclude, I believe that female celebrities in the media are more directed to change as opposed to male celebs.
SEX SELLS! Its a sad reality in our society! I believe to some extent the media lives to the public expectations. If there wansn't a demand for it the industry wouldn't be so succesful and wealthy.
ReplyDeleteWe have spoken a bit of Beyonce and Lady Gaga who show and flunt there body like its nothing. They in away have no choice. The industry eventually forces you to if you want to be on top. Beyonce of all people should know it because she came from a very christian home where her dad was the Pastor, and she knows thay the bible states in one way or another " woman should dress modest" but her industry and the media tell her she has to dress a certain way and has to show a certain amount of skin.
Tailor swift on the other hand is not yet, in the hip-hop indutry she is more country. There expectations in general are less demanding, I believe.