Don't you just have those moments that you want to run, or destroy any obstacles in your way?Cant speak,doing bad socially and academically?Always frustrated,sad,confused,or just bi-polar? Yes,finally,depression hit us,especially to us teenagers. So much changes occur in a teenagers life, puberty,school,friends, what's expected from them and what's not.Teenage Depression is what impacts us very hard,not only does it affect the teenager themselves, it affect those around the individual.If its left untreated, it can lead to problems at home, drug addiction,self loathing, and to extreme levels, suicide.Parents,teachers and friends may worry,but teens with depression find that really annoying,especially if their's to much attention focused on them.One of the most major leads towards teenage depression is what we all loathe,hate,and have to face everyday,Bullying. Cyber-bullying,school bullying, it hurts an individual,especially when theirs attention from a crowd, where everyone can witness,gossip, and make fun of the depressed individual. Depression breaks that person's ego and their pride. Most teens go through this, causing them to hate school,becoming anti-social and really private,which can affect their future life completely.
How would you open to someone who suffers from depression on a daily basis?How can you stop the causes of depression,such as bullying? How would you feel if you were in this person shoes?
In my opinion, opening up to someone who is suffering through depression is the hardest thing, because everyone has a different way of coping with their stress. Some just get over it by thinking to themselves. Some people like do stuff like get their anger out on Xbox Live( Call of Duty:Black Ops!) [Or PS3 -_-] Others may go about it with sports and physical activity. I think the only time you should approach a person is if they come to a point of hurting themselves, either by cutting themselves or simply trying to commit suicide. I don't think in a crazy world we live it depression would ever leave. My reason for believing this is because the world is in love for power. When the power of love overcomes the love for power, maybe just maybe no one will be going through depression. If I was going through depression I would go about it by isolating myself from people. Becoming just one in the world of 6 billion+. Living without any care, until something comes along and changes me. That can be almost anything. But I would probably let time play its role, sometimes being invisible can help.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with Nisant; everyone has a different way of coping with life's everyday trials and tribulations. I also do think that one should open up to an individual who is suffering from depression when that person seems to want or has began to hurt themselves.
ReplyDeleteThe only way to get rid of the major cause of depression (Bullying), is really to begin accepting each other wholeheartedly & being happy with what we have... but most humans have the ugly quality of jealousy. If we see someone have something we don't; Whether that be material possessions, emotional things etc, we feel less, and we become envious of that person. Jealously usually is the root cause of most cases of bullying.
I admit, there had been several days where I would feel incredibly down, but I took action before it could become full-fledged depression. I began to talk about whatever bothered me with trustworthy people. It helped relieve my daily stresses and helped me get on with my life properly.
I agree with both Nisant, and Mayuri, because it's difficult to talk to a person whos is suffering from depression. However, we as the society must bleam ourselves for not stopping bullying. Because as Abduljabar said, depression can lead to many dangrous things.
ReplyDeleteI believe we as the society must change to fix this problem, this goes to parents, schools, adminstrators, ete.
WOW, slow down there man. You make it seem like teen depression is some kind of epidemic. I mean sure there are people who are depressed because of bullying, but only a handful of them turn to drugs or suicide.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion a person who is depressed whould set some goals and focus on them. It is like a prisoner awaiting freedom. The only thing that keeps him alive everyday is the fact that he will one day be a free man/woman. This is my perspective on bullying.
If you set goals and focus on the future it would be less of a pain. Just say "screw everyone" and focus on your dreams in life. Five years from now you will probably be a mature successful individual while they are still their narrow minded, immature self.
should* (whould=should) typo..
ReplyDeletehaha safar, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to argue your statement.
ReplyDeleteSetting goals is not really a good way to try to get out of depression.
I think what you're thinking of is "feeling blue".
Depression and "feeling blue" are 2 different things.
One of the symptoms of depression is being delusional.
This might sound like a strange effect that depression gives, nevertheless, it is one of the key reasons that these people can not "set goals".
Essentially what happens is, even if they are getting better, they will not believe its actually true, and delusions help create this idea in their head.
For example, there was an architect that had a stroke and lost the ability to walk well with his legs.
Of course, in the start, he could barely walk around and he went into depression.
After a month or so of physiotherapy, the nurses congratulated him on being able to walk to the other side of the hospital and back.
However, the architect was still depressed. Why? because he believed that mole people have been coming in at night and rearranging the halls so that the distance to the other side of the hospital was growing shorter. He believed it was not him that was getting better but rather the hospital getting smaller.
As you can see, this delusional state combined with the loss of pleasure (the very definition of depression) makes it highly improbable that they will be able to "set goals" for themselves and "get over it".
First of all i want to say is that stress is really bad for you. Your heart rate goes up which results in your blood pressure going up. This can cause problems to your heart muscles. There can be increase in blood clotting. There is also a possible rupture of blood vessels due to higher pressure. This can lead to death.
ReplyDeleteNow that you know what stress can do,lets get rid of it. This is probably very hard to do, harder than getting a degree. First of all, i would tell all these negative effect of stress to the individual who is facing it. This way they will release that stress is not the solution to their problems.
If i were in their shoes, i would go to the guidance councilor, my friends, siblings, parents, teachers and get help. Most importantly pray to God to help me because that is the best solution. The important thing is that you have to talk to someone and try to find the solution as soon as possible before this stress kills you.
First off, I agree with safar, that teenage depression isn't as big a deal as you make it out to be, no pun intended. Obviously we have all been through it, myself included, in different ways but like Raisa said, one of the main is due to stress. Between studying, working and family time, we find less time for ourselves and how to organize our lives in a way that makes relatively happy. For your first question, like many comments writen before me, I say, you have to get down to their level. Simply saying, "its going to be ok", doesn't really do much to defuse the situation and often makes it worse. You have to get them to start talking and really flushing out some of the emotions that they might hold inside, crying is a good thing.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, I don' think bullying will every stop for as long as humans still possess some kind of hatred and disgust for one another for whatever reason, but I think one way to really help a person who may be depressed by bullying is simple, tell someone. Tell a teacher, a friend, call kids help phone and most importantly, TELL YOUR FAMILY. A family is the bedrock of a good society and you'll feel a lot better, especially if you know that you have the support of those that care about your well being.
Lastly, everyone will react differently when they are put in a situation in which they lives may be in danger. If I was in this "supposed" persons shoes, I personally wouldn't take it. First off, never let anyone scare you, especially if they threaten you. All this means is that they are more scared of you, then you are of them. You have to stand up for yourself and show that you will not tolerate being bullied. Life is tough, lets admit it, but its experiences in our lives that ultimately shape who we are, for better or for worse. Hopefully, for the better.
I think you're getting depression confused with feeling blue.
ReplyDeleteDepression is serious, feeling blue is not.
Today's society considers the 2 very similar though...which isn't true at all.
^I agree with the individual who has posted above me. You have to realize that depression is a psychological disorder, and a disorder is not something to be taken lightly. "Feeling the blue" as the individual who has posted above me has stated, is not even near depression in terms of severity. Depression is not something to lightly.
ReplyDeleteSomething to take lightly*. (Yes beyond 12 am mark, yes imperceptible intoxicated)
ReplyDeleteImperceptibly*. Making another mistake after a correction = priceless.
ReplyDeleteI agree on Safar's point that it is only a handful of society that suffers from this problem, and the cure would be to occupy yourself with something that will get your mind off of these troubles. Depression is simply when the person fails to find something worth striving for and as such one must remind themselves of their goals.
ReplyDeleteThe thing about depression is there are so many levels to it, for some it may be being sad for feeling down on certain days, but for others it may be more serious they may need medical treatment to feel normal, due to their brain having a chemical unbalancement causing the depression. Personally, how I would open to someone who is depressed, I would probably ask them how they feel, try and cheer them up, but if it seems too much maybe ask them in a polite way that they may need medial assistance. Stopping bullying is a whole other issue and helping someone with that may take longer and be more difficult. How I would feel in a their shoes, probably gloomy, sad, and really down.
ReplyDeletedepression is a state of mind that is hardly controlled. Two people can undergoe the same trials and go about it differently and one can survive the other one won't. It's a cycle of life,I belive in harshness it teaches you to smarten up, care about yourself and learn that life isn't always easy. When you have self-confidence its harder to become depressed because you haven;t given the right to anyone to control your emotions!
ReplyDeleteDepression is nothing i really have had to really worry about or dealt with. I have no genious advice then speak to your parents or someone you trust to help you coop!