Today’s music videos portray a very negative image of women and I think that the media is responsible for how they are portrayed. They push this idea of what is sexually attractive on us and if they didn’t we wouldn’t think that. I think that the media is using reverse psychology on us because the media doesn’t tell us what to like. We tell the media what we want, by buying, and accepting it. The media tries a bunch of different things like putting different kinds of women on ads. So when they see which product sells the best they think that these people really like it, let’s just keep on doing it and give them what they want. So the media doesn’t make us want it, we actually decide what we want, and that’s why we see all theses scandalous and sluty women in music videos. The media portrays a negative image of women in music videos because of the lyrics being said in the song, what they’re wearing, and basically what goes on in the video. I think that some people have accepted this and it has become a norm in our society. Also most of the stereotypes that revolve around women come from music videos and especially the media. I don’t think it’s appropriate for women in music videos to act like this because they are already exposing themselves and each other. The fact that they have little or no clothes on makes the situation worse and makes it seem alright to these younger girls when it’s actually not and this is encouraging a lot of younger girls to do the same thing. These women are bad for our future and our society because younger females watch music videos everyday and they look up to these women because it’s what they see on TV.
Why do you think music videos portray women in a negative image? Are woman in music videos there just to bring the status of a man up? Do you think that women in music videos are bad for the younger female generation watching it? Does the portrayal of women in music videos affect the way women are treated in society?
I do think that women in these music videos are a bad influence on younger girls because if this is what’s being shown to them about women from such a young age later on they will become used to it and the hidden messages behind it. The younger girls will want to be skinny like these girls, which could be deadly for their health. Same with younger boys they’ll think that this is how women should look and treated and might act upon it without knowing.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Aimon because when younger girls see how women are on TV then most likely they will aspire to be like that person and idolize them. Same thing for the boys, when they see a man treating a woman wrong in a music video or anything in the media sometimes they’re going to think it's okay and they will probably act upon it without knowing.
ReplyDeleteThey show women mainly as being property, by making them stand around cars and money. It does hype a mans status, because it shows he has all these beautiful women around him. This affects younger girls, because they'll see these pretty women in videos and try to behave and be like them.
ReplyDeleteMedia have changed our mentality and how we look at it. I agree with Aimon as i belive that young generation will have more impact then we'll do, becuse when they start seeing those things at an early age they tend to follow them. A role model for a girl is Miley Cirus and we see what she is upto and just like that it happens to young boys. People now a days are more vulnerable to media and media knows that and they are trying to feed us what we really like.
ReplyDeleteI agree with all of you but does the portrayal of women in music videos affect the way women are treated in society today?
ReplyDeleteI really think these women are put there as a product to sell. Think about it, nowadays music is more of a business than entertainment, in my opinion. They are only adding what attracts so many people in general, some people go on websites such as youtube just to watch the video, rather than enjoy the music.
ReplyDeleteHeres a perfect example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yikNhPh9n8&feature=channel
check out the comments on it.
Wow I seen the comment on it and thats sick.
ReplyDeleteHe said:
SheepOfDoomage: these songs always have ****ing chicks in them and I ****ing love it!
It's sad how music changed over the years because people used to talk about what they've been through and how they feel. Now they just fake living in the ghettos and they get away with saying anything as long as the video has nice cars, beautiful woman, and lots of money etc. Also it's sad how women are being portrayed as products, objects, property, etc.
The music videos now a days with a dozen half naked women surrounding one man, symbolize nothing but power for the man and portray women as nothing more than a sex object.
ReplyDeleteNot only are the lyrics very suggestive to some of the rap songs, but also some of the videos for these songs are vulgar. Popular music videos portray women in a very negative way. Music videos fling messages to young women, mostly teens to dress provocatively and be promiscuous. Women are rarely ever showed in a decent and good-natured manner in today’s music videos, not to mention fully clothed.
The young teens that watch these videos want to be as "hot" as the girls in the videos and they believe that using their sexuality is the only way to make them "hot".
I believe that Music videos do have an influence on society. The way women are portrayed in music videos affects how they are treated in real life. A woman dressed inappropriately walking down the street can be an easy target for sexual harrasment while a woman who respects her self as well as her body, would have a less chance of being victimized.
ReplyDeleteI agree that some female music artists use their sexuality to become famous. But there are some other ones who have just used their music to reach their fans and their message. Tylor Swift is a good example because she does not do anything inappropraiate, yet she is still famous.
ReplyDeleteEven though there are many women in the music industry who respect themselves and are good role models to those younger females there are a lot more women who show negative images of themselves. Althogh it is easier to get attention by inappropiate matters there are still ways to accomplish your goal in a well mannered fashion like Taylor Swift.
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ReplyDeleteFor your first question, the answer seems obvious. Women are obviously being objectified as sexual objects by being made to appear more attractive and glamourous than they actually are as well as being potrayed as though they wait hand and foot to a mans every request. Music videos with these kinds of images are made for a reason, sex sells. This in turn perpetuates the negative stereotypes and generalizations that belittle women to status of sexual immaturity and male dependence. Secondly, these potrayols of women as sexual objects make them seem weak, which are renforced by a strong, independent male character like in the image above. Notice how they are dressed, but also how they are positioned in relation to the dominant male image in the center, as though they are made to appear less important, but more like trophys. For your third question, I don't think the way women are potrayed in these videos are the best examples of how women in general should look like and behave. That being said, many of the women in these videos probably don't choose to be shown this way, but out of neccessity and maybe financial problems, they chose the worlds oldest living profession, selling their bodies. I think that in some respects the way women are shown in these videos does have an impact on how as a society we view women and what we feel they primary functions should be, if I can use those words. The image of women as sexual symbols has become so prevalent in our society and in the media, that its no wonder why the number of rapes and molestations are highest in women. The general public has become so focused on what a women should look like and how they should behave, particulary around men, that a woman becoming a prostitute might one day be seen as no big deal. What adds fuel to the fire is also how women are being called names which lower them to caste of sexual instability. The words whore and slut are used many times, even in our school by girls in grade 9, showing how images like in musics videos can affect how we view the world and each other as human beings. We might one day wake up and find ourselves living in a BRAVE NEW WORLD.
ReplyDeletei agree with every that commented that woman are shown as a product in music videos beside cars and drugs. This is mostly now see in rap videos where a raper has lots of woman beside him which people see and want to be like the raper in the music video
ReplyDeleteI agree with you Granit. Some of the women in these music videos portray themselves this way because they feel that they have to. They probably aren't financially stable and unfortunately they turn to selling their bodies. Although it's not the best way of getting money it's probably the quickest.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, Females are defiantly portrayed by the Media. The reason they demonstrate woman in a negative way is for advertisement. The Media tries to sell these products and show half-naked woman just to get the audiences attention. However, it’s wrong to objectify woman in this manner. I believe that music videos does portray woman in a negative image. They don’t understand those women are humans like then and this demonstrates bad things to the teenagers and children. I think that they are there because they want to dhow their beauty, and to sell products. However, there are many ways to sell products and not demonstrate woman like this.
ReplyDeleteI believe that Females in music videos is bad for younger female generation. Because as faiza said, they want to look “hot” and they will dress like the woman in these videos. However, some woman dress like this because of financial problems just like Granit said. Some woman might need money badly that they will do anything. I believe that it does not affect the entire woman, but I believe it affects black woman more than white woman. Because it’s this stereotype that the society build, and it affects black females more.
The media wouldnt call how they portray women negative but more appealing to the audience that it is designed for. The reason that women are shown up to be sex symbols or objects would because they are most vunurable target and as you know sex sells. The prime audience who watches these videos are younger females and males of all ages and races. Women in music videos are dressed half naked and shown throughout the video to make the video more eye catching, lets be honest when you first see a female in a video with less to nothing on its your first instict to contiune watching if your male or female. Males would more or less imagining being with that video vixen while females subconciously would want to look and be that woman. The women in these videos would be a bad influence on our adolescent females because it shows that the men in these videos perfer girls with less on their body, it puts the suboncioius image into their minds that they must look like that in order to be considered beautiful. I believe the way females women are portrayed in music videos affect the way society looks at females because for example in our generation women are looked at as possesions and not human beings. Ignnorant males use these videos to back up their theory that women are put on this earth to please men and provide them with those so called perfect bodies. The behaviour of the women in these videos are effecting our youth in a huge way by spoiling the minds that are so fragile they can change in a split second.
ReplyDeleteI agree with both of you Adnan's that the portrayal of woman in music videos affect the younger generation tremendously but I was just wondering for anyone who didn't comment on my blog yet. Is there anyone who thinks that the portrayal of woman in music videos doesn't affect the way a woman are treated in society?
ReplyDeleteWell as most hip hop music video’s today, the central message of these videos is that the man, or rapper is living the life with his smoke in his hand, a brand new car, gold chains, silver rings and to top it off a sea of women surrounded by him. Women are obviously going to be represented in a negative light when the rapper, a male, attains everything he wants. Hence women are portrayed as mere sexual objects willing to fulfill mens sexual gratifications. Because the rapper has all the materialistic items, and since women are considered automatically as the weaker and naïve sex, its as if women are easily attainable like the “bling-bling” the rapper has. Essentially they’re just the icing on the cake.
ReplyDeleteMost definitely women in music videos are unhealthy for younger females watching them however I don’t think any female( in her right mind) would be comfortable dressing scantily and dancing while the eyes of low levelled men gape at their body. Don’t you think this is an offence similar to rape if not almost equivalent?
The portrayal of women in music videos might affect the way women are treated only because repetitively watching might almost tattoo an individuals mind with the beliefs and values the hip hop videos carry and in return change their attitude towards women. Women will be viewed as unrespectable individuals in society because of the video who represent women like this. But not everyone has the same level of intellect and rational thinking so it’s wrong to say everyone who sees numerous videos would have this change in the way of thinking.
And yes, sex does sell. That’s a very true statement, but don’t you think there are less offensive and demeaning ways to sell a product via music videos?
In today's society entertainment industrys, specifically music videos and music lyrics exploit and degrade women. Then again theres always that controversial argument "the more hot women in videos the more money". And this may be the only method for certain artists to invest but theres other better and more respectful ways in doing so. But then again we shouldn't always blame the media because these women weren't forced to take off their clothes and dance. They all made their own decisions by exploiting themselves. Heres a question: Is the use of women as "sex objects" and "video vixens" worth the price all while risking their respect and dignity? This negative portrayal of women is a bad influence to females because they will feel like the only way to feel pretty or accepted by guys is to dress provactively. As a result they go for plastic surgeries to look a certain way to sort of resemble what they see in the music videos.
ReplyDeleteThis comment is by Halimo Ghelle
ReplyDeleteAdnan had an interesting point in mentioning that such music videos affect black women more them white women. I would even go as far to say that it affects black women exclusively. Women, in most hip-hop videos are portrayed as objects as many of us have already mentioned. Male rappers, predominantly black, usually rap lyrics in which not only degrade women but belittle them to nothing more than possessions such as cars, money etc. I don’t find it to shocking that rappers would glorify being “playas” and pimps and would even take pride in being surrounded by barely clothe women. It highlights the stereotype that females would do almost anything to get a males attention particularly if he has a lot of materialistic possessions. But what I do find upsetting is when I see black female rappers or RnB singers in the same setting. Ever notice how in most hip hop music videos, black female singers usually walks by a group of men expecting to get their attention (she’s dressed provocatively of course), they walk and to their satisfaction get impressive looks by the males. Why are even black female artists acting as if their self worth depends on how males perceive them?! Black women are now getting the same disturbing messages from both genders in the hip hop industry, that they should act like “hos” and “sluts”, terms that are frequently used in rap lyrics. A couple of my friends comment on how the women in these videos don’t really fit the conventional definition of beauty, and that a lot of them aren’t exceedingly attractive as women are generally portrayed in the media. This really got me thinking, in hip-hop music videos there isn’t a push for women to be unrealistically beautiful rather the emphasis is put on their bodies. For example here are some lyrics to Nelly’s song Tip drill. (a tip drill is a female who isn’t attractive but sells her body for cash.) “ I said it must be ya ass cause it ain't ya face I need a tip drill.” And “You lookin' good in them shorts but they look better on the floo'."
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ReplyDeleteI think the media portrays women in a negative image, because that is what the people want. They (the audience) will watch women dressed half naked and treated like objects, because it is exciting. I believe that the woman shown in music videos are there as trophies or achievements of a man since he can show to his buddies that he got so many girls. The woman in music videos, I think are bad influences on little girls watching them, because it promotes young girls to dress and act like adults,like wearing sexy clothing which is not age appropriate, and may lead young girls feeling insecure about them selves. I think that the portrayal of woman in music videos has affected how women are treated in society because, if the women in the music videos are treated like sex objects than, it might give negative attention on real woman who want be treated fairly and not like objects.
ReplyDeleteI don't think it's correct to say that that all women are uncomfortable dressing scantily and dancing while men gape at their body. Although it's not a good way to portray themselves
ReplyDeletethis way there are probably few women that actually like it but I doubt it. It's fair to say that most women are uncomfortable because some of them have no choice but to do this.
They probably need money and this is the quickest way to get it and let's not forget that some of these women have children. I do agree with you that it's unhealthy for younger females to watch this but I think it's unhealthy for males too. This portrayal of women in music videos is kind of similar to rape in a sense but obviously not equivalent.
We all know that sex sells and I think that it's really hard to sell a product without it being offensive and demeaning. It is possible but it's kind of hard to do it. It's just that the media doesn't want to give it to the audience. I think a car can be sold without a scantily dressed woman beside it. I think people can make music videos without unproperly dressed woman in it. Just like how Adnan said Chamillionaire made a whole album without any use of profanity. It's shocking to many people how Chamilionaire did that but hopefully the music industry will have more artist like Chamillionaire, Immortal Technique, Lupe Fiasco, and K'naan because they send good messages in their lyrics and they respect women for the most part.
Although women are not forced to take their clothes off they are pressured to by the director,producers, and maybe the artist. The directors cannot force women to take their clothes off but if they see that a lady doesn't want to take her clothes off they will just find another lady who does. Therefore the pressure of the peers around them makes them want to fit in t
ReplyDeletewith the other women in the videos and take there clothes off. So in that sense I am going to have to disagree with you Yasmin because I think the media is the one to blame for.
Sorry If i repeated something someone said, but too many comments to read
ReplyDeleteMy viewpoint is that woman are the ones to blame for the music videos, not the man. We choose to go to these audtions, we agree when they ask us to wear these revealing clothes, and we don't complain when we have to shake our tail feathers and boobs on the screen.
I have no sympathy for a woman who chooses to make money easy, is shes been called a slut and a whore, well you should know that it comes with the territoy. Like don't act suprised and embarresed when you knew what you were getting yourself in.
I however don't agree with young girls watching these videos, those girls with no self-respect and low- paying stripping become the role models of our society. A young kid is too yound to differentiate between what is good and bad there like a sponge absorbing everything that the media says its okay to see and watch and imitiate.
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ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you Halimo that it affects black people more than white people. Also it's is upsetting that the female rnb singers portray themselves the same way the females in the music videos are. Also it's sad that the females within the hip hop industry have conflicts between each other. They should unite and make female rappers/hip-hop artist portrayed in a good way. Also Nelly is known for degrading women in a way because in one of his music videos he swipes a credit card down a womans ass and therefore it caused an uproar with many people.
ReplyDeleteI kind of agree with you Griedy. I also have no sympathy for a woman who reveals herself to make money in any way, wheter it's music videos or not. Also I know how everyone is saying they don't agree with younger girls watching these videos but what about young boys who watch this. I think it affectst the a boy the same way as it affects a girl but the only difference is that the situation is different.