Okay ladies this is another one for you! hey whats your pants size? not zero?
well you better hit the gym! that's right if I learned any thing from the media it is
this, if I eat yogurt, take my lady supplements and watch a video like P90X I'll be
every mans fantasy! yes what I've always dreamed of! a desirable stick! anyways
I just think it sucks that only ladies are depicted in these commercials, how come
I never see a guy craving a strawberry shortcake pecan pie slice, only to be delightfully
surprised that his favourite scrumptious cake flavour is packed into a -10 calorie yogurt
YAY JUMP FOR JOY FELLAS....oh wait that's too gay isint it? I think by always depicting
the woman, who in every commercial is like a size five wanting to be a negative five is A) a horrible depiction to young girls about body image but also a systematic discrimination towards
men. By always having women in these commercial they are implicitly trying to show that
women should be the only ones dieting and striving for a smaller figure and in turn if men
do it....well that's just gauche! so here is the question
Do you think this is systematic discrimination for men? Or is it a morale standard that women should ALWAYS 'strive" for better while men can be stagnant in their ways?
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ReplyDeleteFirst off, I think going as far as to say its "systematic discrimination" is a bit of a stretch. Theres a reason why advertisers choose to put women in commercials for products that might make you lose weight. The obvious reason being that other women will see these commercials and want to buy these products in order to fit into the cultural norm, since the norm these days for a woman is to be thin and slick in terms of physically. Again, its not that men are being "discriminated" against per say, its just that due to the medias influence on what men and women are suppose to look like and how they should behave, commercials have become the primary "propaganda" tool for the medias influences.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, the morale standards for men and women as they are potrayed in the media have become some what ridiculous. Its become so focused on a persons body, looks and sexuality that we've been fooled to think that anything else outside that particular sphere is to us ridiculous. Its not that women strive to like better, but then again I could be wrong, its that more importance has been taken on what a women should look like as opposed to what a man should like. As we mentioned in class, when it comes to a mens looks, its all in the face, but when it comes to a womens, it has to be the complete package, otherwise she is criticised and in some cases ridiculed.
People say that women want wealth from men and men want beauty. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTC4qkb8Ppk If you check this link out, you will see what ladies have to do for men. They pluck their eyebrows, straight/curl their hair, wear liner and all these hard things that they have to do for men. This is what men look for in the woman is her beauty mostly. So all these ads and the media always tell us to look pretty. This way, makeup companies make a lot of profit by telling us what beauty is. But we all know is that true beauty comes from the inside. Sadly, most people look at the outside but not the inside like if they are actually beautiful form the inside or a devil.