Imagine a world without gender roles, a world in which gender equality has become the norm. What would the result be? What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a world with gender equality?
To begin with, gender inequality can manifest itself in many ways, such as through gender-based violence, unequal pay between men and women, or the application of gender stereotypes. Needless to say, the achievement of full gender equality is still a long way off. But is it achievable?
Of course the absence of gender roles in the creation of a community of gender equality, is going to have positive and negative effects.
Gender equality is the goal that our society wishes to attain. In order to achieve that goal, it requires humanity making every effort to abolish sexual stereotypes and produce a more egalitarian society. A world absent of gender roles will bring equality, freedom and satisfaction.
Although there's a positive side to the absence of gender roles, the negative effects should still be considered. One problem regarding the absence of gender roles is in the case of divorce, who would receive the custody of the children. The mother has always been the primary caregiver of the children and the receiver of the ex-husband’s paid labor, which had contributed to the quality of life for the family. In the absence of gender roles, the husband would have an equal right to the children and therefore there would be confusion about who gets to keep the kids. Children need both parents to feel a part of a complete family, however mothers have always been seen as the principal caregivers.
That's all for my points, now consider the questions that I posted above within my post, let me repeat then one more time. First off, is gender equality achievable? If gender equality had become the norm of our world, what would the result be and what would be the positive and negative effects of it?
There will never be a true equilibrium on the subject of gender equality, as long as there are two differing opinions, and you cannot possibly compromise in such a manner that there will be an equilibrium achieved. We are humans, we are not perfect creatures. We are a manifestation of our achievements, but many of those achievements have been consequences of our fallible nature. Some of the greatest human achievements are due to our fallible nature; the discovery of penicillin, the vulcanization of rubber, x-rays, the microwave oven, etc.
ReplyDeleteI know I'm diverting from the topic quite a bit, but my point is that although we can close the gap, there can never be such a thing as perfect gender equality due to our fallible nature. I'm not trying to be pessimistic here, but I'm merely being realistic; there will always be gender roles, there will always be labels, there will always be stereotypes, because as humans, we will always have differing opinions.
Gender equality is possible and why should it not be? There is no denial that men and women are physically different. However the biological make-up of men and women are the same, so what does that tell us? Don’t we all bleed the colour red? When we look back in time, it is clear that there were misogynistic and oppressive views on women. In fact women in the western society weren’t even considered human beings let alone be treated with dignity respect and equally capable. Now if we look in our time and age, women have taken successful and more important roles in society, they have earned numerous degrees in secular knowledge and attained well-paid jobs. I’m not saying that all issues concerning women and men have been completely diminished but if we were to compare a hundred years ago and today, clearly there is a significant improvement. This is a sign that as time passes by, gender equality will be achieved and the barrier between men and women will eventually be blurred. People will only grow to be more educated and supporting of egalitarian values.
ReplyDeleteActually there are many biological differences between men and women, but even more importantly; many of these differences lie in the brain and have to do with brain chemistry. Ignoring the discrepancy in thought processes between different people in general, the consequence of differences in brain chemistry is that men and women will tend to think differently. This is why there cannot possibly be a true equilibrium of thought achieved; and thus why there will always be a discrepancy in gender.
ReplyDeleteI'm not saying that the gap cannot be closed; I'm just merely saying that the wall will never be truly torn down; it will rather be deconstructed to its threshold. As we continue to evolve as a society and as a species, we will close the gap, but there will not be true equilibrium. We can however, create a dynamic equilibrium, through our improved emotional intelligence, as we continue to develop compassion and tolerance, we will disperse of our biases, stereotypes, etc. Though there will always be a difference, because it's a simple consequence of our biology.
Biological differences between men and women:
When I mentioned there was no biological differences, I was merely referring to the internal anatomical components of humans; by this I mean we all are made of the same material that sustains life in both genders-blood,organs,etc. I see there are psychological differences that are present as a result of brain chemistry between the genders but even that can be altered over time; not necessarily the brain chemistry but perhaps the way of thinking or the psychological development. As long as time passes by the two ways of thinking can compliment each other in order to form gender equality. Men can learn or adapt to how women think, and vice versa. We cannot simply allow biological explanations, strong or weak, as weapons to maintain social differences like these.
ReplyDeleteThat's quite overoptimistic. Firstly, the brain chemistry is the cause of the psychological development in the first place, so if the brain chemistry cannot be altered, you cannot perfectly alter the psychological development of males and females. On an evolutionary timeline, I cannot see the brain chemistry of males and females converging in such a manner that the brain chemistry will be give or take the same. There has been no biological evidence that has demonstrated converging evolution between males and females of the same species.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, I never stated that there will never be an equilibrium reached. Rather I stated if there will be an equilibrium, it will be dynamic. It will not be because of converging evolutionary traits, but rather, it will be because as we evolve as a species, our emotional quotient will grow. We will grow a greater understanding, compassion, knowledge for each other. All these traits will prevent us from further perpetuating stereotypes, gender roles and biases, and this will in turn create a dynamic equilibrium in terms of gender equality. But this equilibrium will not be perfect, and we're going to have to create it ourselves.
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ReplyDeleteI agree with Hassans first comment that "perfect gender equality" is a long shot, due to our fallible nature as human beings as well as our many differences. Since we are suppose to talk about issues involving the media, I want to add something. How does the media view men and women as equals? Do they encourage equality between men and women or do they have some ulterior motive?
ReplyDeleteI think that's probably the biggest obstacle towards reaching gender equality; the role of media. As long as media continues to perpetuate gender roles and gender stereotypes, it will be near impossible to reach an egalitarian state in terms of gender equality.
ReplyDeleteThe media's consumers consume media, but in a sense, media also consumes its viewers. It substantially alters the consumer’s point of view in a sense that gender roles are instilled in their perspective. This is a consequence of our fallible nature; our capitulation to media. Unless we can somehow overcome this capitulation, we cannot reach a dynamic equilibrium.
But I'm confident as we grow as a society and as a species, we will grow the intelligence, empathy and knowledge to be able to overcome the effect of media, and disperse of the gender biases that the media will try to instil. This will lead to a dynamic equilibrium, but this will not naturally occur; we will have to take affirmative action ourselves.
I do agree with all the comments that "gender equality" is kind of a long way from now but basically my argument was that to state what advantages or disadvantages can u cum up with if there existed gender equality in our world... :)
ReplyDeleteI believe that gender quality is achievable, but it will be difficult. It will be difficult because it going to be hard to satisfy both genders. For example, gender equality migh not be achievable becuase of religion or because of arguments, or what's right or wrong. this task will be difficult but it's achievable.
ReplyDeleteI think that gender equality had became part of our world, but not the norm of our world. I say this because their are many other norms in the world that are bigger.