Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What do you guys think about the Katy P. fireworkworks vid?



  1. I think it was hot, way to hot. In proper English, it was ridiculously hot, no pun intended :)

  2. It was.. "interesting".
    I seriously don't get the scene
    with the cancer patient and
    that pregnant lady..
    What was the link between the two in the first place? :s

  3. I think it was ridiculous. I mean honestly having fireworks shoot out from your chest? Like what is she, Iron Man? And the pregnant women with the fireworks? I wouldn't be surprised if I was to see the baby come out with shooting fireworks ! LOL !

  4. Maybe the pregnant is Iron man, and the fireworks are the Illuminati's way of distracting you froM the truth, CONSPIRACY?

  5. The firewors coming out of the people was a little stupid but the video had an okay concept.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Lol a baby shooting fireworks!!! I don't think it was ridiculously hot. Guys these days. Illuminati!!! All you needed was Jay-Z and you'd know it for sure a lie?

  8. Illuminati ! They are watching you !

  9. You Nisant you're crazy. If you see an eye what are you gonna do, duck?

  10. Stay away from her? You're the one who said she was ridiculously hot?? Hate to break it to you but.... (wipe a fake tear) she's not!!!

  11. Nissant relax with illuminati...
    and the video was actually interesting, considering that its Katy Perry. She takes everything to a new level, and does it differently. So two thumbs up (Y)


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