Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Quick question ! Just a Thought !

So some may know that both female and male, contain hormones of the opposite sex. If not then better get to know yourself ! So I was wondering, if a male contains MORE estrogen than normal, does that play a role in his sexual orientation?

Quote at the moment:
"If she's amazing, she's not easy. If she's easy she won't be amazing. If she's worth it, you won't give up. If you give up, you're simply not worth it."


  1. I think if a man as you said has too much estrogen in his body, some of the following might happen:

    1) One of the more dangerous side effects of too much estrogen in men is heart problems including heart attacks. It is not known why men get more estrogen in their system, but it is a sort of imbalance in the pituitary gland where the hormone is secreted. Ask Bio teacher :)

    2)Breast Enlargement
    Swelling of the breasts can occur when there is high levels of estrogen in the male body. This symptom is known as gynecomastia. This symptom will occur faster in men who have excess weight and already have a slight swell to their breasts.

    3) Erectile Problems
    Erectile dysfunction can occur in men with high levels of estrogen. Testosterone is needed in the body to produce erections. When there are low levels of testosterone, it takes longer to get an erection, if the man can get one at all. The penis may even shrink when there are high levels of estrogen in the body. (Did not need to know that)

    4)Muscle & Bone Loss
    Men who have high levels of estrogen in their body may experience muscle and bone loss. Testosterone is responsible for for building and maintaining muscle and bone in a man's body. Because of muscle loss, weight gain can occur as well.

    5) Mood
    Many men will suffer from mood swings as a result of too much estrogen, and they may also become depressed.

    So, it can cause physical, internal as well as emotional damage to a man, but it can be cured, I think, ask a doctor :)

  2. Wow. How weird the human body can be ! Also the human mind. You never answered the question though Mr.Albo. Does it play a role in the sexual orientation ? If I was to refer to your comment, it would look like a no. Because none of the 5 reasons listed has to do with the Sexual Orientation. I think if a man was to produce more estrogen than normal, it would play a role in his sexual orientation !

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Same-sex attraction and sexuality are not natural phenomena. Nature as defined by is "1.existing in or formed by nature" and "2.based on the state of things in nature; constituted by nature." If homosexuality was confirmed to be a genetic trait, it would still be unnatural by definition. Regardless of any attempts to argue otherwise homosexuals(100%), constituting around 1-2% of the population It is caused/affected by outside factors, such as a person's friends/interactions/etc. Of course, unnatural or natural it does not give a person the right to insult and to look down upon homosexuals. In the need of the day you live your life, and they live theirs.

  5. there has been no findings to support that extra estrogen has been linked to homosexuality
    but umm I'm not sure, perhaps further research by others will prove me wrong.

  6. ? I'm not sure what the argument is exactly with saying homosexuality is unnatural... It is natural, and the proof is in the most natural things on earth! All organisms (excluding asexual organisms) have been known to have homosexual tendencies.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


  9. I looked through the page, I don't see anything that tells me homosexuality is unnatural.
    If anything, that page suggested homosexuality is natural.

  10. The other post was too long and had typos.

    The gene theory states that hormones in the womb may push a person towards one sex or the other. But predispositions are not the same as cause. They only "affect" not cause a person's sexual orientation. There are findings of animals being homosexual, but there is no proof that they were actually born that way. If homosexuality was natural, then how do you explain a heterosexual changing to a homosexual half way through life. The outside environment they are exposed to has an effect/alters their sexual orientation. By the way, I in no way mean to offend homosexuals. There isn't really anything wrong with it, they are human beings just like you and me and should be treated equally.

  11. well, like I said, there are a lot of generalisations when it comes to biology. One of the reasons I like physics so much is that they don't rely on statements that will contradict so much.
    Something like, the heart hypertrophies, but too much will kill you.
    Something else like, ingesting sodium will allow you to keep water in the system, but ingesting sodium will not help when it comes to malnourished children lacking proper proteins.
    Much like these statements, although there are general statements such as homosexuality is natural and some people are just born homosexual, there are also people who wish to be homosexual, not because they were born so but because they wish to be so.
    That's a whole other side to the story, and, considering the world population, not really a great argument on homosexuality being unnatural.

  12. What do you mean? We know a whole lot more about the things you mentioned than about homosexuality. I don't see how you defended your argument. Also population shouldn't affect the fact that homosexuality is unnatural . If it was natural people would not be able to convert , it is like trying to change the colour of your skin. I don't think there is a genetic factor "causing" homosexuality.

    Ps. We are sort of going off topic, I'm going to stop here :D

  13. It's because they're exceptions to rules.
    There are exceptions to every concept in biology. If homosexuality is natural, then there must be people who have been homosexual all their life. Your argument is that there are people who change sexual orientation half way through their life.
    Well, ya, there is, and there are 2 ways of looking at this.
    1. that its a direct representation of all homosexual people, saying that because this person chose, all of them must have chose somewhere in their life too
    2. that homosexuality is natural, however, like many things in biology, there are exceptions to rules, where sometimes certain points don't match up 100% with data.
    Of course, we know the latter is the better argument as there are far less people (which is why I mention population) who say they've changed sexual orientation half way through their life than those who don't.
    Thus, logically, it is better to say that the abnormality, although caused by environmental factors, is not a representation of the whole.

  14. In the USA there is a 9.37% of males that are homosexual and 4.87% of females that are homosexual . But I don't understand how you would assume there are more born homosexuals than convert. Any souces?

  15. Just to throw a wrench in here... what about bisexuals? What about other sexual orientations that defy our narrow catagories?

  16. Those facts are from the states, may I remind you we live a greater country called Canada. You have any statistics for that? How many sources did you compare those results with ? What if it's just a lie, what if there are more homosexuals in the U.S. ?

    And the one thing I would have to say about bisexuals, is that they should make up their mind.

  17. So its a choice to bisexual, just like it is a choice to be homosexual?

  18. The human body allows both males and females to have certain levels of testostrone and estrogen, if a male has a more estrogen than the normal levels then I believe he is just femminine rather than full out gay. Being a feminine male is nothing negative, it just makes certain men relate to females and there issues rather than the male topics. This is perfectly normal and is seen in many cases which prove that many of the males are indeed straight and prefer females rather than males.


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