Kim Patras is an aspiring German teen pop singer who was born as a male named Tim but considered himself as a female ever since a very young age. As we saw on the Tyra Banks show in class about the story of the first top model that revealed her transsexuality, this story is very similar.
By the age of 16, Kim revealed on a talk show that she was a transgender and was going to have a gender reassignment surgery. According to the German law, she could not undergo that surgery until she was by law 18 years of age.
At a younger age, she was labelled to have a gender identity disorder but her parents supported her throughout and helped her into the transition of becoming a female from a male.
The story of Kim's surgery after the sex change went through the news media like wild fire in 2009 and made the front page of many newspapers and magazines worldwide. Kim became popular as ever and sales of her new albums rose to a high degree.
Some questions to consider about transsexuality are:
1. According to you, is it easy being a transgender?
2. Imagine if you found out at a very young age that you dont identify yourself with a gender that is different from your biological self, what would you do? Would you ever tell anybody about it ?
3. Why is it that some celebrities can openly reveal their sexualty and still be as glowing as ever and gain even more publicity while normal people in their daily life end up with raised eyebrows?
I dont know about any other celerbrities that are transsexual but it depends on the culture and how it reacts to say how difficult being different really is. kim was one of the first to be introduced as a transsexual in the German society and because of the culture of having compromise people are more accepting of these differences